Scheduling an Existing Class

Scheduling an Existing Class

A.) Creating a schedule for an existing class and assigning it to an existing instructor

1.) Log into your backend system and navigate to “Memberships” -> “Manage Scheduling.” This is the page that will open. A calendar that shows all your class schedules.

Click on the right hand upper icon that is a circular “+” sign on the calendar. It is the first icon to the right header of the calendar:


2.) A page will open up where you can create a new schedule. Select your existing class along with the existing instructor:


3.) The scheduling page will be the same as the page we went through in step 6 of “Scheduling a new class.”

B.) Creating a schedule for an existing class and assigning it to a new instructor

1.) Log into your backend system and navigate to “Memberships” -> “Manage Classes.” This is the page that will open. A list of classes page. Search for our class by name in the search field:


2.) Click on the pencil icon to edit the class info:


3.) For this, leave the info along and click “Update” and then a “Next” button will appear. Click on it.

4.) A instructor’s info page will appear. Add in instructor info and then click “Save” and then click “Next”


5.) Finally, a scheduling page will appear for this existing class and new instructor


6.) Fill out the scheduling information

*If you have any questions on technical questions you can contact support at

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