Password Protecting Newsletter Attachments

Add a PDF Attachment to a Newsletter

A.) Adding Password for the Attachments:

1.) Login into your backend and navigate to “Settings” -> “Main Settings”:

2.) Click on the “Newsletter” tab:


3.) Input the password and any text you want to have displayed below your newsletter.

B.) Password-Protected Option

1.) Log into your backend system and navigate to “Marketing” -> “Newsletter”:


2.) Click on the pencil icon:


3.) It will open up the Newsletter editor page. Scroll all the way down and you will see the PDF upload attachments and the textbox for “Password Protected?” :


4.) Click on the checkbox:


5.) Click on the “Update” button to save this Newsletter.

6.) To view where the pdf will show up in your Newsletter and your main setting’ s text, click on the scheduling icon:


7.) It will open a preview page for this newsletter. Scroll all the way down until the end of the editor to view the Attachment’s link(s) and the additional text we’ve added in the Main Settings:


*If you have any questions on technical questions you can contact support at

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