Creating an Invoice Template

Creating an Invoice Template

1.) Log into the backend system. Click on “Payments” -> “Invoice”:


2.)  Go to the “Template(s)” tab:

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3.) Click on the plus icon:

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4) Add in template information:

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5.) Select template due date and input in net day:

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6.) Click “Save” and then at the “Line Items” section click on the plus sign:

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We see a page to add in a line item:

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7.) Save the line item and exit it The line item will populate the listing below:

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8.) Add in the Penalty for paying late. Penalty will be applied after the due date plus net days. Click “Next”:

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9.) Add in the reward discount for paying early before the due date. Click “Save”:

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10.) Close the invoice template creation page. The added invoice template is below:

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11.) Click on the third icon under the “Action” header of the template:

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12.) Select the members to assign this template to and click save:

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13.) Close the member assignment page and go to “Open” tab. There are the invoices created for these members:


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14.) Click on the ‘eye’ icon to view the invoice:

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15.) Here is the invoice:

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16.) For the invoice click on the second icon:

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17.) This should open up the edit page. Scroll down to line item:

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18.) ****Click on the Edit Line Item(s) button:

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19.) Then click on the plus icon:

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20.) A line item addition page should open. Fill out the information:

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21.) Close the line item addition page. Since there is a new category created, there is a new category grouping for the line items:

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22.) Each line item can updated by clicking on the “˅” icon to expand its information for editing:

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23.) We can add in more line items under category “Special Session”:

Add in line item “Morning Session”:creating an invoice template-25


24.)  Special Session line items:

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25.) Reorder these line item. Click on the drag icon or the first icon next to a line item and drag it. In this example “Late Session” is going to be drag above “Morning Session”:

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After dragging it above the “Morning Session”,  let it go for reordering:

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Click on “Preview”

26.) Here is the invoice in preview mode and the line-items added:

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*If you have any questions on technical questions you can contact support at


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