Localization Languages and Text
Setting your Language:
1.) Log into the backend system. Click on “Settings” -> “Main Settings” :
2.) Click on the “Language” tab:
3.) Select your langauges:
4.) After the selections of these languages there will be a translation option on the top of the frontend page. Here is the “Signup Sample Page” with the language option for member to select:
5.) Click on it:
6.) Select a language:
7.) The page is now translated to Italian:
Editing your Language and Text:
1.) After you have added in your language you can now edit it. Click on “Text Customization”:
2.) It will open up “Manage Page Language”:
3.) Click on the “Pencil” icon of one of the pages:
4.) The page language option will open:
5.) Click on the bubble language icon:
6.) Select your language:
There will be a list of language keywords and its translations. You can make changes to this. The English language will stay blank as it will be the default language by the system.
*If you have any questions on technical questions you can contact support at customersuccess@fitsoft.com