Scan and enroll member
A.) Scan and enroll member
1.) Log into your backend system and navigate to “Memberships” -> “Barcode Search.”
Depending on the version of your backend. “Barcode Search” title may be “Search Members” or “Barcode Scanning”:
2.) This is the scanner page. We are going to use the calendar scanning option. So click on the calendar icon on this page:
3.) This will open up our calendar page for date selection:
4.) Click on a class on the calendar. The scanning page will open. We might want to maximize this window in another page by click on the maximization icon:
5.) Scan your member’s barcode and the member’s record will pull up. Click on the member’s checkbox to select member (if the member’s membership does not include this class then it is a person icon with a plus “+” sign.) :
6.) Click on “Add to Class” and a dialog will appear that the member has been successfully added to this class.
7.) Go the the “Enrollment” tab to see the added member:
8.) Close the dialog page to see the calendar gets updated with the added member. Now that day is color coded showing that there is a member enrolled for that class:
*If you have any questions on technical questions you can contact support at